Thursday 31 March 2011

What I'm about: An Introduction of Sorts

       This is my first real time jumping into the internet like this. I've always found that it was easier to express myself through mediums other than just speech, like writing and music for example.  This has both helped and hurt me though; I have ruined very good parts of my life but at the same time it made me a better person by forcing me to re-examine who I am and who I want to be.
        Music is my life. Not in a high school "oh, I have 1 song that means something to me because I danced to it or fucked to it or whatever", but in a deep, meaningful way. I don't know where I would be without it, and whatever talent or drive I have to keep up with it and constantly challenging myself to find new ways to improve myself and be the best that I can be. It gives me a reason to wake up, and a reason to not go to sleep. It's a way that I can say what I normally can't, and a way to help me feel what I normally don't. To me, music has more depth and meaning available than any other art form. Sure there are some movies that can give you an emotional reaction, I'm not denying that, and I think that if you didn't cry at the Series finale of Six Feet Under that you don't have a soul. But I cannot count how many times I've finished listening to an album or a song and just sat there for a while thinking about what I just heard and listened to.

       I'm pretty open about most things and will try to answer whenever somebody asks me a question, and I love to talk intelligently about a whole manner of subjects, everything from weed legalization to abortion, and especially religion. I'm an atheist, but I'm not ignorant. Many times I have managed to talk for hours about different points with Christians about their faith and my lack of one, and I always find it fascinating. 

Because at the end of the day, nothing is more fascinating than what's inside of a person's head.

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